Saturday, June 27, 2015

Prayer Points

Lynnea again:

I was able to see Marcia this morning and she is in good spirits.  She needs to rest and let her body heal but the doctor is happy with her progress.

The doctor wanted her to get up and try and sit in the chair today and she almost passed out.  She is very bloated and tender and is pushing the morphine pump!  So you can pray for that the pain will be controlled and that she can get a solid nights sleep.

Pray that her bowels will start working, the illio bag is working but she is just passing bile at this time.

She is drowsy but her positive spirit shines through. She is amazing and I'm so very proud of her!
She is happy to have this part of the journey over with.

She told me she feels very loved and cared for and she appreciates the prayers so much.

1 comment:

  1. so proud of her too and lots of prayers . thanks Lynnea for keeping us updated . thinking of her all day


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