Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Prayer Request

Good morning....this is Lynnea for Marcia this morning.

Her surgery went smoothly yesterday and last evening when I left the hospital she was really doing well and resting comfortably.  She had taken in some clear liquids and was even up and took a short walk through the hallway! So we were both very encouraged.

But this morning she is feeling VERY bloated and in a lot of pain and discomfort.  Please pray that her bowels will soon start to "wake up" and start working.

Thank you for lifting her up today and we are hopeful that things will start moving soon and she will be on her way to complete healing!


  1. Praying for a quick 100% healing and recovery!

  2. Jennifer and Darryl's Ohio family sends prayers for you Marcia and your family.

  3. Praying for you and your family and your recovery

  4. Praying for you and your family and your recovery

  5. Hey, Marcia, I remember you from high school. I was a year behind you, I believe at mchs. Your brother told my husband you had cancer. I also did in 2008....Ovarian.


Please leave words of encouragement and prayers here: