Monday, February 1, 2016

You shall go out ( of the cancer center) with Joy...

....and be led forth in peace. ( I was careful to not let the door hit me on the way out.)
  We are so happy to report that I'm done with chemotherapy and my CT scans all come back clear! We have been busy celebrating with family and friends! We just marvel at God's faithfulness through it all.
    I have been enjoying not being sick anymore! My blood counts still need to come back to normal which should happen in a few weeks. I still take naps often and need to build up my stamina again but overall am feeling pretty good.
 My ileostomy reversal surgery is scheduled for Feb. 22 and they will take my port out at the same time. That is the last major event on this journey. The Dr. will continue to follow me. I'll have blood work in 3 months and more scans in 6 mo.
   It will also take time for my body to adjust back to having "normal plumbing". Dr. says I'll have frequency and urgency till those muscles get strong again. Since I am missing part of my colon I will  have to adjust to a new normal.
   As I reflect on the past year I remember how near God was in times of despair and how comforted we were by His love. Those are precious things I hope I never forget. Spiritual blessings really do come wrapped in trials.
   As I type this, I am thinking about a dear family from our church whose house burned to the ground this morning. Total loss. We never know what a day may bring.
  Trials have a way of putting normal life on hold. How do we respond when these big life interruptions take place? We grieve, we adjust, we wait, we hope, we receive help. All those things we do with Jesus by our side. He is always there. We stay connected to the one who holds the whole world in His hands. We abide in the one who gives us abundant life. These things God takes and uses for good. Maybe we don't see it now. Deeper trust grows, our roots get stronger. We focus on things that have eternal value. Trials change us for the better, if we allow God to do His work in us.
Psalm 91 was part of my devotions today.
The Message
....Say this: " God you're my refuge.
                 I trust in you and I'm safe."...
A reminder that Jesus is the only sure thing in this world!




  1. Amen! Beautifully & well said, Marcia! AND rejoicing with you on the good reports!!!

  2. So happy to read this post!! Praise the Lord. Thanks for the update! Your journey is inspiring to SO many! Bonni G

    1. Thank you Bonni! You are a blessing to so many!

  3. You finished well my friend. It has been a blessing to come alongside you and see your faith and joy in this journey. You certainly made lemonade out of your lemons! <3 Love you and am SO thankful that your body is FREE from cancer!

    1. I love you! You were by my side through it all! Sugar in my lemonade! Mmmwah!

  4. God always causes us to triumph! Rejoicing with you!!! Praying that God will continue to strengthen your body and bring total restoration in all areas and for this to never return again in Jesus name! I know that God has used you and will continue to use you. You are a mighty woman of God.

  5. So glad you are on this side of the journey. God is good all the time! Love you!

  6. So glad you are on this side of the journey. God is good all the time! Love you!

  7. Marcia, I haven't been good about letting you know, but I have appreciated your words of hope and inspiration in the midst of a difficult chapter in your life. Thanks for sharing.
    On a different note, I know my parents enjoyed getting together recently with some in your family and I"m sorry that I missed that chance to reconnect with all of you. Wishing you a beautiful spring!


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