Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Strength for today....

...and bright hope for tomorrow! God is continuing to meet me on this journey. Last week I was feeling a bit blue, hormonal, sad...you get the idea. I was driving alone to meet Duane so we could ride to treatment together. I was telling the Lord how yucky I was feeling and was feeling bad about my attitude. I said out loud, " I just want to hear my song." The words were barely out of my mouth when the music to "His Eye is on the Sparrow" came on WJTL. Of course,  I started crying tears of wonder and joy. It was just a very small (big to me!) reminder that God will never leave me. He hears my every prayer! He is covering me with His wings and taking care of every detail of everything!!!  He is my Father, He is faithful and He is trustworthy!
  I've also had the opportunity to meet with some dear ladies who are gifted in prophetic ministry and healing.  God has been impressing on my heart that He cares deeply about every aspect of our health- emotional, mental, spiritual and physical.  To be ministered to in a very personal way is a precious thing and truly a gift from the Lord on this journey!
  I am continuing to tolerate the treatments pretty well. I am very careful about eating low fiber foods which help to manage (along with  Imodium) diarrhea. My insides are a bit tender and  I'm a bit more tired but over all the Dr. is very pleased. They will continue to monitor my WBC to make sure it does not go too low.  My motto is one day at a time.
  Everybody has a story. Waiting for radiation is a bit sad knowing that every person who comes in is battling cancer in some shape or form. Some look very sickly. I often wonder if they have a caring family, someone to bring them, and if they know that Jesus loves them very much! Opportunities are all around us and we all have something to give. The nurses show such compassion and understanding. That is a ministry in itself. They understand that none of us ever wished for this.
  That said, I'm so thankful that such a place exists to care for us and that God uses the Drs. and nurses to bring healing.
  There is something very special about writing this blog and putting my thoughts and feelings into words. It is a salve to my soul and a sweet way for me to share with you what is happening. I want to remember all the ways that God is caring for me!
 Thank you so much for your prayers!

II Corinthians 4:16-18 The Message                                
 So we're not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without his unfolding grace.                                                                                         
 These hard times are small potatoes compared to the coming good times, the lavish celebration prepared for us.                                                                                          
There's far more here than meets the eye. The things we see now are here today, gone tomorrow. But the things we can't see now will last forever.  




  1. Dear Marcia, you are truly an amazing woman of God and a true servant of Jesus Christ. I am so sorry that I only found out about your situation today. I have not been on Facebook in such a long time. I will definitely keep praying for you everyday. I know that God is faithful and He delights in the prosperity of His servants and that includes healing for you. The devil is a liar and he has no authority to touch your body in Jesus Name. I speak healing to your entire body. I ask that the Lord would infuse you with his strength. You are an overcomer. God always causes you to triumph. Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world. We love you. If there is anything we could do for you please let me know. Missy Sugden and family

    1. Thanks Missy! You came to my mind the other day! I was remembering how you took me under your wing at Creation! Sweet memories! Thank you for your prayers!


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